Saturday, 4 August 2012

Awesome Beholder Pinata

The Beholder was a really fun project that took over 30 hours to create. It was made for a friend's son with his direct consultation during the planning and construction phases. I got the opportunity to teach this 7 year old a lot about beholders. In addition, I learned something new as well; a technique to cut down on creating paper mache eye stalks by about 10 hours.

The kids really liked it, and my friend described the pinata as indestructible. I'm told that after giving all 9 children 3-4 turns each, the rope broke. The pinata was left intact except for a few eye stalks. It took the combined effort of all 9 kids to jump on the pinata to finally break it open and dig out the delicious candy inside.

Days later, the 7 year old birthday boy (who kept the shattered remains of his pinata) wandered down into the basement, only to be scared off by its large all-seeing eye.

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